
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sad About Losing Google Reader?

Don't fret! You can keep up with us by using Bloglovin!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Yeah, we don't know what we're gonna do without Google Reader. The mom checked out Feedly, but isn't totally thrilled with it. She'll check out Bloglovin.

  2. I am so going to miss GR. When I had problems with blog roll I lost so many friends and am only just getting them all back. Hope it does not happen again. Mum will check out the bloglovin one. Hugs GJ xx

  3. You know, we never used Google Reader so we won't miss it.

  4. * Confession time * We never used it. I would recommend NewNewsWire as a feed reader though, I just cut and paste the blog or site in and voila - all set.

    Don't panic guys - Google doesn't own the world yet and there are heaps of us who still follow you!

    Dash and Marjorie
