Monday, November 29, 2010
Anipal Photo Hunt #15: THE VET
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thankful Kitty
There are so many things I have to be thankful for. First and most importantly is that I now have this amazing forever home. My mom pampers me and treats me like I'm the most important thing in her life. After being a shelter kitty, I will forever be grateful for being adopted and loved.
I'm thankful that even though I have tummy troubles, Mom never yells at me when I puke on the carpet. Even while she's on the floor cleaning it up.
I'm thankful for Grandparents who bring me gifts when they come to visit and a guinea pig sisfur who wants to give me nosetaps even when I try to whack her with my paw.
I'm also thankful for all the luxuries in my life. I get to drink out of a running water fountain-or the toilet if I want! I can get under the covers of the bed when I'm chilly and snuggle down to nap. I have a tree right outside my bedroom window that squirrels climb and a deck I can watch birdies on (after Dad puts out seeds to attract them).
I know all my anipals are thankful on this day, too. I'm thankful that I have all of you and hope you know how much you mean to me.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Review of "Please Send Money" by Cheshire Kitten
Friday, November 19, 2010
A Blog For @Ryker_Tyker and @WaysideWaifs

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Anipal Photo Hunt #14: Mom!
Friday, November 12, 2010
I Guest Blogged for Wayside Waifs!!
GREENIES JointCare Wag & Walk 4 Life
Here's the challenge: Go to the GREENIES Facebook page at and pledge to walk a certain distance with your human every week. Once all the pledges add up to 25,000 miles (the distance around the earth), GREENIES JointCare will begin monetary and in-kind donations to Freedom Service Dogs, based in Englewood, Colorado. The donations will support their training camp that places a service dog with a disabled veteran who needs a mobility partner. With Veterans Day having just passed, isn't this a good way to give back to those who have fought for our freedom?
In addition to helping out Freedom Service Dogs, you and your human will see personal benefits. For every 30 minutes of dog-walking, 120+ calories are burned-that is great this time of year when you won't be able to keep your human's hands out of the holiday goodies. Also, studies show that regular dog walking builds stronger bones, leaner muscles and healthier joints for both the human and the dog.
So get on over to the GREENIES Facebook page and pledge to get out there and walk! It will be good for you, your human and a veteran who needs the help of a service dog.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Anipal Photo Hunt #13: From Where I Stand...
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Banana Abby-She's a Wayside Waifs SupporterToo!
You should check her out and say hi!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Rosie Loved His Tomatoes!

Thanks for sharing the love on the other post! I hope you like the update!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Need A Donation Idea?
In the "Dollar Spot" section there were fleece blankets for just $2.50! You could buy 4 of them for just $10 or 10 of them for $25.00. That would make a wonderful donation to your local shelter. Shelters are always needing warm blankets for their kitties and doggies waiting for their forever homes. It would mean a lot to a homeless pet to have something warm to snuggle on with the weather getting colder.
Just a little something to keep in mind when you're out doing your regular shopping: You can pick up an item or two on each trip and soon have a huge gift to give to your shelter. Always be on the lookout for specials like the blankets at Target or sales on things like paper towels, bleach, cat litter or treats. Shelters are always needing these items!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Anipal Photo Hunt #12: All Souls' Day
Mom recently wrote a post about her doggy, Oscar, who went to the Rainbow Bridge on Halloween three years ago, so I thought I'd honor her Wichita cat, Rosie. He (yes, he) went to the Rainbow Bridge this past June, right before Mom and Dad left for Boston to get married. He was an old kitty, at least 17 years, and had been declining in health over his last year of life.
Mom had to leave him in Wichita when she moved to Kansas City, so he lived with Grandma and Grandpa. I never met him, but I knew all about him. Mom told me stories about how he would sleep with her at night and every morning they had a cuddle session. After she moved, he learned to cuddle with Grandma instead.
Rosie's favorite people food were cheese and tomatoes. He and Mom would go out on the front porch and eat a tomato together. When it wasn't tomato season, they would share a little can of tomato juice. He got cheese as a reward when he had to go to the vet or have medicine.
Mom was very sad when Rosie went to the Rainbow Bridge because she couldn't be there to help him. Grandma was there though and I know he understood Mom's absence. I'll meet him one day at the Rainbow Bridge; until then, I'll enjoy Mom's stories about him and honor his memory on days like All Souls' Day.