
Monday, November 7, 2011

Bring BlogPaws to Missouri!

Mom has attended two BlogPaws conferences: BlogPaws West in Denver, September 2010 and BlogPaws 2011 in the Washington, D.C. area. The next conference will be in Salt Lake City in 2012. I am now going to start a campaign to bring the 2013 conference to the midwest, specifically Kansas City, Missouri.

J.C. Nichols Memorial Fountain, a Kansas City landmark.

I live in the Kansas City metro area, on the Kansas side of the state line. It's a great place and I think it would be the perfect place for a conference like BlogPaws. You might think I'm biased because I live here, but other people think KC is an awesome place too! Check out this article from the September issue of Wild Blue Yonder magazine featuring KC and many of its unique offerings. You'll get to hear more about some of these places in upcoming blog posts (this is a full campaign!) from me, Mom and other local Kansas Citians who love this city passionately.

And there's more! Frommer's recently named Kansas City as a Top Destination for 2012. Why wouldn't the BlogPaws crew want to come to a Top Destination? Not only is it a top destination, it's a convenient destination! We're in the middle of the country, so we're easy to get to, whether it is by flying or driving. According to the website, from KC to Dallas/Ft. Worth it is about 510 miles. To Denver or Columbus it's about 610 miles. To Chicago it's about 540 miles.

I hope you stay tuned for all of the upcoming posts and I hope you jump on board with team #MoBlogPaws. KCMO has a lot to offer and I would love to share it with all of my blogging buddies!


  1. I was in KC for a conference in 2007. In fact, we were at a hotel that is located very close to the fountain in the picture. It was a great place, easy to get to, and lots of things to do. I hope BlogPaws considers KC as a viable option.

  2. WOW - would we ever love that. Then maybe, just maybe M could make that one. That's a big maybe.

  3. Yvonne from BlogPaws here. We love your enthusiasm. Keep those suggestions coming! I can't make promises this far in advance, but we have added KC to the list for a future event.

  4. My human would not mind coming to St. Louis - she has never been there!

  5. if BP comes to the Midwest it needs to be Detroit (yeah there ARE some nice places here and we have casinos! lol) or my former home town....CLEVELAND home of The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame! Cleveland would be MY first choice!

  6. Sounds like the midwest has some fans!

  7. FaRADaY: YES!! People can come & see us! W00t!

    Maxwell: *eyeroll* I just like the idea of Mommanot doing any *more* traveling...

    Allie: oooh! Tell them abotu The PLAZA! *SQUEE!* Shopping! At the OLDEST Shopping Center in the U.S.!!

  8. Mom would drive to KC for Blogpaws. Maybe we could even visit with our friends that live in KC. Might be willing to drive as far as St. Louis, but that's a pretty far drive.
